Whoever said you can’t buy happiness forgot little puppies.
I RESCUED A HUMAN TODAY Her eyes met mine as she got down on her knees and made little kissy sounds at me. I felt her need instantly and knew I had to help her. I wagged my tail and thought we both have a future to look forward to and I want to make a difference in her life. Gentle fingertips caressed my neck; she was desperate for companionship. A tear fell down her cheek and I raised my paw to assure her that all would be well. Her smile was so bright that I instantly jumped into her arms. I would promise to keep her safe. I would promise to always be by her side. I would promise to do everything I could to see that radiant smile and sparkle in her eyes. I rescued a human today.
March 14, 2011
I was very happy and excited this morning when I saw that Mom was going through the routine that I am beginning to know quite well, first she checks her email, whatever email is, then she puts on clothes, goes into the room upstairs where my big water bowl is, and comes out with some strange colours on her face, she grabs her bag and when she says Jackson wanna go in the car? My ears perk up and my legs do not go fast enough downstairs.
So off we go first to the park then to the pet store, I love picking out my own toys and bones but then she starts putting clothes on me, she made me try on 4 winter coats and we ended up with this one, don’t I look fabulous?
-I could walk around the yard barefoot in safety.
– -When the doorbell rings, I would only hear the doorbell.
-I could sit on the couch and my bed the way I wanted, without taking into
consideration how much space Jackson would need to get comfortable.
-I would not have dog bones,
stuffed animals, toys, and treats all over the house.
-The most used words in my vocabulary would not be: out, sit, down, come, no, stay,
and leave it ALONE.
-My pockets would not contain things like poop bags, treats and an extra leash.
-I would no longer have to Spell the words B-A-L-L-,W-A-L-K,
or C-A-R
-I would not have as many leaves INSIDE my house as outside.
-I’d look forward to spring and the rainy season instead of dreading “muddy” season.
-I would not have to answer the question “Why did you get another dog from people
who do not have the joy in their lives of knowing they are loved unconditionally by
someone as close to an angel as they will ever get.
If I didn’t have a dog ………………. How empty my life would be.
April 6, 2011
Mom….I see a Duck
Jackson is more then I could have ever wished for in a pet. This dog and I are in a relationship with a capital R…and today it dawned on me just how important this little boy is to me.
You are right Mike, Life is good and better with a pet. I love you.
April 14,2011
What kid doesn’t like ice cream ? No words are needed for this post. I’ll just get right to my happy boy!
April 27, 2011
Do you see how muddy my windows are? Grunt!
The springtime mud, is making me mental.( insert a scream here ) I may have mentioned this once or twice before, but I am anal. I’m organized. And I want a clean house. Over the years, I have mellowed and lower my standards a smidge. I only vacuum twice a week instead of daily, for example.
But the mud? OMG!
Yesterday, I vacuumed twice and washed the floor. Every time Jackson goes outside I wash and wipe his paws, and I still see muddy paw prints in the kitchen, yesterday afternoon I told him to get into the bath, he loves his bath he ran upstairs and jumps in.
So I have to ask: How do you handle muddy paws? Do you add more baths for your dog during the spring?
May 3, 2011
Before I had Jackson, I never thought I would say:
Mike……….(insert scream ) Get a bag! Jacksons poop is stuck!” (Yes, This happens. He eats J-cloths. They get… stuck.)
When I say the word “LET”S GO,” Jackson starts barking and jumping. He knows let’s go equals either outside or the car. Both are his favorite. He gets this look of excitement and shows me his chocolate eyes and we are out the door.
We went to the Vet today, Jackson weighs 54 lbs and is 10 months old. Time sure does fly doesnt it? We picked up his heartworm pills and the entire staff came to see how big he got, they also all gave him cookies. He sniffed and played with all the dogs in the waiting room and had a fun time.
My human children use to get lollipops.
Thinking…..My Dr’s office should also serve cookies.
May 21,2011
Jackson seems pretty good at making up his own games. The trick is for me to go along with him and try to figure out what the game is supposed to be. It’s great fun, though, and I know he appreciates getting to call the shots sometimes.
Our favorite game, is our daily chase me. Jackson grabs whatever is on the kitchen counter and gives me this look. Come on Mom, catch me if you can, This started when he was 12 weeks old, so it’s totally Jacksons game
Play is a natural part of a dog’s life. Left to their own resources — at least sometimes — a dog will invent its own games. Sometimes it’s interactive play. Sometimes it “doggie solitaire.” An important part of the dog-bonding experience can be letting your dog make up the rules sometimes. You will be amazed at how much your “best friend” appreciates being in charge, even if it’s just for a few minutes!
June 5, 2011
Jackson 11 months old.
Walking along the path in the country with Jackson is beautiful.
He runs down the path, turns around, runs back toward me, eyes bright. Smiling, Happy, Enjoying.
Today, in this moment… this perfect moment, all I feel is joy.
Then we went swimming
then…we needed a nap.
I end this post with a happy heart and feeling good. I want to spend them loving a little more, breathing a little deeper, and not worrying so much about the what if’s and shouldve’s in life..
June 8,2011
I’m feeling a little cooler today…… I went to the groomers yesterday and he gave me my Summer haircut. Nobody asked me what I thought about this plan….
but hey, at least my bum doesn’t look so big anymore!?
June 11, 2011
My Happy Boy walking the path in the country.
Can you complete the following sentence, my dog’s favorite thing is …
Here are some of Jacksons
plastic water bottles
Whatever I happen to be eating at the time!
Grabbing something off the kitchen counter and waiting for me to chase him.
Underwear and socks for the laundry basket.
June 19,2011
Jackson sits on our furniture, It doesn’t affect anyone but us. If we don’t mind, who’s to say what’s right and what’s wrong? In fact, it makes us happy to think that our dog is happy. It’s all innocent, right?
June 21,2011
*No two loves are ever the same but love for one does not diminish love for another. * Chelsea’s place in my heart is secure and always accessible But the miracle of life is that *the heart of love can grow from the tiniest seed. * It does not push the other love aside, it expands.
I have learnt this from Jackson,In so many ways he saved my life. Together we have forged a relationship just as solid, just as deep as the one I (still have) with Chelsea.
July 5 2011
Happy 1 st Birthday
July 5, 2011 Jackson turned one year old.
It’s incredible how quickly the year went by. We’ve had Jackson since he was 10 weeks old and it’s hard to imagine life without him.
So when a dog as beautiful and joyful as Jackson is, and it is his birthday, there is really only one thing to do..We Celebrate!
It was a fun day and a big milestone for Jackson, or me?, He is a Big Boy now.
Your dog will be a friend for life… always there with a wagging tail, a smiling face and a wet nose to welcome you home or just to say “hello”.
My dogs…I know, everyone says their dogs make them laugh, but seriously, these two together totally entertain. They also happen to be best friends always keeping and eye on each other, Brie follows Jackson everywhere, and watching them play is like uncorking a bottle of pure joy. I laugh, they play harder, I laugh more, it’s all good.
Its Labor Day for the humans, which means for the past few days, mom has been laboring. She’s been like a total freak cleaning the house with garbage bags. We feel it has something to do with the disappearance of dad, who went out of town for work this week… but we’re beginning to wonder if he isn’t really stuffed in one of those garbage bags.
Dad come home soon, please. Leaving us here alone with psychotic mom and her garbage bags of stuff hasnt been very exciting but… we have been really good and having fun playing with each other.
October, 2011
I love the fall colors,
walking with my dogs allows me to really soak in this beauty. I try to stay focused on the dogs while walking and taking in the sights around me, as the dogs take in the smells.
But really…..
Whoever decided the hot humid days of summer should be call the “dog days” obviously did not have a dog. Jackson and Brie’s dog days are crisp, cool mornings that encourage running and playing when the afternoon temps are 15 – 20 c, with some sunshine and breezes to carry country scents.
Dec 2, 2011
no one has yet figured out how to breed the gene out of dogs that makes them sleep diagonally on the bed with all four legs going in different directions.
Dec, 30, 2011
“The difference between friends and pets is that friends we allow into our company, pets we allow into our solitude.” Robert Brault
Jan 7, 2012
My Poodles suffer from Snowballitis, they come in the house and distribute their snowballs around the house, do you know how many times a day I change my socks?
Feb 15 2012
running free probably does more for their emotional well being than their physical. I know that it fills me with such joy that I don’t know who its better for.
March 3 2012
One of my favorite things is to walk my dogs off leash in the country, I get a feeling of calm when I am out with them in the woods.
Watching them have fun and the simple joy of enjoying each other. Does it get any better?
March 17 2012
Oh the beauties of spring… flowers, birds, gentle breezes, fluffy clouds floating overhead in blue skies.
And mud. Lots and lots of mud on the dogs’ paws
April 2, 2012
Blim.. there is no room on the bed for me, that is my husband complaining about a King size bed , the reason is 2 standard poodles hogging his space.
We woke up this morning wedged between Jacks and Brie so tightly I couldn’t budge, I was trying to fall back asleep but my leg started to cramp.
I was very uncomfortable so I told them Move Over, and finally I was able to get up.
Brie like to lean on us, and she is the last one out of bed, I call her from the kitchen telling her to come for breakfast, then she walks in with her pretty prance.
Jackson is happy just laying beside us, he has to be in the same room, if I go from room to room he follows. While Brie is happy in the family room looking outside.
The Love of Dogs, xoxo do we really need all that room?
May 2012
We walk through the woods, Jacks and Brie run beside me, or slightly ahead always coming at my command. I could be ahead of them, I whistle and they catch up, Jacks touches me and they race in front, tails wagging. I think it is a game of tag, pure joy.
July 4 2012
Today my beautiful boy turns 2! he really is the best dog and Chelsea was the best and Brie is the best too 🙂
Jacks is pure joy and happiness he has filled up our hearts.
So . . . happy birthday to the best dog in the whole wide world, we love you more than words can describe.
July 8 2012
In the country
Jackson is 2 yrs old
Dec 9 2012 Hanukkah
Jan 6 2013
June 9 2013
in the country
October 2013 in the country My Happy Beautiful Boy.
23 Responses to Jackson
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Ya making e cry too damn it! What a lucky pup
Very handsome puppy. Sterly has a coat too. He wears it in the car while he waits for us. He always insists on coming along when we go to a movie or dinner. He can’t understand how he would be better off in a nice warm house.
you are to funny…. where is the shishel of water….. or train jackson to wash his paws…… 🙂
He looks like he has the funniest personality!
I think a shamwow and a squirt bottle in your pocket is in order:)
what a cute punim!!!!……. next time put the j-cloth in a place that he can’t get to.. !!!!! remember the kishke story !!!…hahha
yes, I remember you looking in every drawer and cupboard for the kishke we worked so hard to make and my sweet Chelsea looking very guilty. lol
WTF is a J cloth?
He is sure handsome Blim… I havent told u of latest Lucy move. I think I put a Mini doodle on hold for the fall breeding. F1B, 75 poodle/25 % retriever, . rut roooooo. No money yet, we are still in negotiations.
a trademark for a disposable cloth used for cleaning, dusting and washing dishes….. A SCHMATA. LOL.
A new baby doodle, woohoo! What colour?
My poodle, Mitzi, was nicknamed “sponge foot” because of the paw prints she left on the floors after being outside. I kept her feet clipped as close as possible, less paw hair made less of a sponge!
that is very sweet blima. it’s a nice feeling when someone or something brings you love and joy. even nachas!!!!!! … 🙂
Thank you Sarah.
Personally…. I love scrolling from the top down, watching this bundle of love grow:) I bet he is a ton of fun! (work)
Awww how sweet this page scrolling down . so much Joy
Just not sure which one to pick! They are so beautiful! Look, they are bonded aLready!!!
I love see him grow up through pictures…and all your heartfelt stories to go along with them. He has such a wonderful mommy in you!
Thank you Sherry, He is pure love, and…..You my dear friend make wonderful Poodles.
Everyone….Sherry is the breeder I adopted Jackson from.
LOL, S.M.A.R.T. Pups@!
OMG Brie is the most beautiful dog!!! She’s getting prettier everyday!
PS: I loved the pics of Jeff and Julias new Baby too! What a sweety!
There is just something really striking about a black Standard Poodle! And Jackson is a very handsome representative of his breed! So expressive and beautiful (yes I know he’s a boy but boys can be beautiful too!). I could look at photos of him all day long!
Payton loved playing with her “buds” today. They are great!
Awesome pics of your fur friends! the best!!! We miss our standard Bailey who has passed. Enjoy!!!
Thank you Michael, come for a visit anytime and have your fill of Spoo love.
I still miss my Chelsea, not a day goes by that I dont think of her. When Jacks or Brie are getting into trouble I look at them and say….Chelsea wouldn’t of done this, then they cock their sweet heads and give me this look like Huh? 🙂 they have filled the wholes in my heart.