Dogs’ lives are too short. Their only fault, really.
We have loved you every day for the last 14
years. And we will miss you every day for the rest of our lives.
Today is March 13 ,2011
7 months that my Chelsea left us for rainbow bridge,I am still so crazy in love with her,she was my soul mate dog, “I imagine her death to be as if someone took all the oxygen out of the air and expected me to live without it.
Here is another photo of my beautiful Chelsea. She died Aug, 13, I am missing her terribly these last few months, her birthday is April 18, she would be 14 sweet years young/old, it is also the evening of Passover this year, hope I get through it without tears.
And I said…..
“I WILL NEVER DO THIS AGAIN” I spoke these words over and over and over again, and what did I do? My friends kept telling me I have so much love to give why don’t you adopt another, so I did and Jackson is a fun, loving new pal. I guess this time I listened to my heart not my head.
I am grateful for Jacksons smiling face and his pink tongue.
I am grateful for his sweet brown nose, and the little brush of brown around his eyes, I keep telling him he has Chelsea face.
April 22, 2011
“I Thought of you with love today, but that is nothing new. I thought about you yesterday, and days before that too. I think of you in silence, I often speak your name. All I have are memories and a picture in a frame. Your memory is a keepsake, with which I’ll never part. Have fun at Rainbow Bridge my Chelsea, you will be forever in my heart.”
August 13, 2011
Today is the 1 year anniversary of my sweet girl Chelsea crossing to Rainbow Bridge. RIP. You will always be in our hearts, she was a true once-in-a-lifetime dog.
The only way I can describe her is .. total love, pure devotion and loyalty.
“Time heals all” is an interesting saying and one that I believe is not entirely true as it pertains to me. While the passing of days will help soothe the pain, mend the heart, and slow down the tears; the dull hollowed out ache inside continues and there’s no guarantee that feeling with ever go away. The not so distant memories of a shattered heart and the eruption of tears at a moment’s notice, those conditions have improved greatly with the tick-tocking of the clock, I wonder if they’ll completely disappear as the years roll by.
It was quickly discovered in the days following Chelsea’s passing that humans can be judgmental and instead of providing comfort they’re capable of creating stress and additional pain. It’s still very hurtful to reflect upon that period in my life and to remember friends questioning my method of grieving or to make insulting comments about my relationship with my beloved friend, those people committed the ultimate act of betrayal and it’s doubtful they will ever regain my complete trust. They certainly didn’t grasp the dire situation, the vulnerable state I was in and their words pierced my heart as a knife would but survive I did and I learned to not leave myself wide open to attacks anymore. Chelsea’s passing is insignificant in comparison to human deaths are examples of missteps by former friends and girlfriends alike.
August 13 2012
2 years since my Chelsea has passed. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of her. I miss you.
It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them, and every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart.
If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are.
April 2013
Has it been three years already?. We spent the weekend with my sister and brother in law discussing how time flies with all the changes that life dealt, unbelievable really. How does time pass so fast? Sometimes it seems to move in the blink of an eye; looking back, much has changed. I remember like it was yesterday; looking at Chelsea knowing that someday our life would change. Thinking to myself, I could never have another dog, but…. things change and it’s not always a bad thing.
My fur kids are now Jackson and Brie and it is wonderful. I love my Chelsea, always will and now I love having Jackson and Brie. What memories I have with each and every one.
We cannot go back in time, But there are times when I need to look back and remember; the tears have turned to smiles now, Mike and I talk about her a lot and we both smile.
So take the time to stop and smell the flowers. don’t let life just fly by. Enjoy every moment.
Aug, 2013
August is here again and that means another year has past since Chelsea has passed away. I have been remembering our life with her a lot lately, but now they are Great Memories when I think of her, yes, tears still fill my eyes but with a smile on my face.
I am sure that all dog lovers have lost a great companion. It is never easy. It was life altering for me, but looking back and remembering fills my heart with special moments and each moment I now realize is a treasure.
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Wow… good one… I feel that way too. Just stole my lung capacity:( It really is good to write Blim… whats no longer inside, cant hurt quite as much.
Love up on the pooch Chelsea sent to you for comfort.
Such a sweetheart. Dogs sure do not live long enough.
When we lost Misty our Rottie of 14 years we said the same thing…..for a week, when we got Oreo ! I will always mmiss Misty, Oreo and Jackie fill the void and we have all the sweet memories
Thank you Russ.
i hope jackson and brie bring you as much love to you as chelsea did. she was a special dog. i miss her wiggling tuchas!!!!!! .. 🙂
Who’s the lucky dawg? Ya done good Buttercup!
Love you Blim:)
I feel like I knew Chelsea personally and I cry every time I see her photo! She was just so special! My heart goes out to you Blima! There are some dogs that come into our lives that are beyond special! We love all our dogs but there are a very few that really touch our hearts even more that most! That was my ^Spencer^ and I believe that was your ^Chelsea^.
Chelsea lives on, and your time together was for a specific reason. A specific blessing:) Fabulous entry!
Blima, beautifully written! Yes, loosing a beloved pet is very hard, they are not only living beings, but animals DO care (especially dogs) and our hearts become entwined with them. They bring us joy and they teach us how to live a better life/be a better person if we listen! So, yes, loosing them takes a part of our soul with them, but, they also leave us with a richness we would not have had without them. 🙂 Chelsea has left a portion of her with you that will always enrich you!
thank you for your kind words Dianne, I am all teary eyed and she has been gone 2 yrs.
Jacks and Brie are filling up the holes in my heart, so I thank you for my Sweet Brie.
very touching to come back here and read this page . ty for reminding me to come back here
Your posts here have touched me deeply Blima. I read them a while ago but found it too emotional to comment until now. Ringo is only 2 and a half and I am already worrying about losing him. You are so right. Even though 14 is indeed a grand age, a dog’s life is much too short and that is the same for cats. Ringo is our first dog. We had 3 beautiful cats before him who died at 14, 19 and 21. I thoroughly understand your grief at losing Chelsea. We were inconsolable at the loss of each of our special girls and I’m sad to say that some of our friends also did not understand this. We couldn’t even bear to bury them at home. Our first girl was buried at my parent’s place because we were intending to move at some stage. We of course couldn’t think of leaving her behind, all alone. At least now I can visit her at her special spot in Mum’s garden every week when I visit. Our last 2 girls were cremated so if we ever leave our present home, they are coming with us!
I found your last post especially heart warming and can only hope that the way in which you continue to honour and remember your beloved Chelsea, will be the same for me and Ringo when the time comes.